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Qlik Google Ad Connector
Ad performance data in Qlik

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Google Ads Qlik Connector

Ad performance data in Qlik

With the Qlik Google Ads Connector allows you to enter your ad performance data QlikView and Qlik Get Sense.

De Qlik Google Ads Connector is part of Qlik Web Connectors - a comprehensive suite of preconfigured connectors for major social media and web-based data sources.

Using the Ads Query Language

You can use the Ads Query Language (AWQL) to define a report question in combination with the AdHocReportFromAWQL table in Qlik Web Connectors to use.

For example, using the AWQL documents that provide an overview of AWQL, along with the detailed list of available report types, you can build the following query:

SELECT Datum, klikken vanaf CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT TIJDENS 20100101,20130101

You can then run the table and it QlikView- or Qlik Generate Sense load script.

  • Fields - the columns to be returned
  • predicates - inclusive and conditions. They are similar to filters in the Ads interface
  • Report type - indicates the report type you are requesting
  • DownloadFormat - specifies the download format of the report, which must be XML
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